Nine whooping-cough deaths reported as cases rise

Experts worry this is a peak year for whooping cough, which is particularly dangerous for babies.
2024-07-11 14:08:38

Giving babies smooth peanut butter could provide lifelong allergy defence

Risks of peanut allergy cut by 71% in teenagers who had peanut as a baby.
2024-05-28 16:08:42

Whooping cough cases up again as five babies die

There were 1,300 cases of the bacterial infection in March, after just over 900 in February in England.
2024-05-09 12:09:50

Extreme heat can double stillbirth risk - study

Women in India are found to be twice as likely to lose babies if they are working in hot conditions.
2024-03-21 02:06:48

Gaza hospital crippled as fighting rages nearby

Israel agrees to help evacuate babies from Al-Shifa hospital after two die due to a lack of electricity.
2023-11-12 02:06:36

Macron calls on Israel to stop killing Gaza's women and babies

In an exclusive BBC interview, the French president said a ceasefire would be in Israel's interest.
2023-11-10 23:06:43

2,000 children killed in Gaza, aid group says, as doctors warn fuel shortage is a death sentence

Aid agencies are calling for a ceasefire in Gaza as doctors warn an Israeli blockade on fuel means many more vulnerable babies and wounded people in hospitals will soon die. One agency says at least 2,000 children in Gaza have been killed in the past few weeks.
2023-10-24 12:06:02

Israeli official says government cannot confirm babies were beheaded in Hamas attack

The Israeli government has not confirmed the specific claim that Hamas attackers cut off the heads of babies during their shock attack on Saturday, an Israeli official told CNN, contradicting a previous public statement by the Prime Minister's office.
2023-10-12 14:05:58

Inside Kfar Aza where Hamas militants killed families in their homes

In Kfar Aza, Israeli soldiers tell the BBC they have uncovered a massacre of civilians, including children and babies.
2023-10-10 23:19:18

Concerns at power of inquiry into UK nurse who killed babies

Families of some of the babies attacked said a non-statutory inquiry was 'inadequate'.
2023-08-19 19:11:53

Doctors' warnings ignored as UK nurse killed more babies

Hospital bosses failed to investigate allegations and tried to silence doctors, BBC investigation finds.
2023-08-18 20:29:33

Why it's getting easier to be a single mum in China

How rule changes and financial independence is helping unmarried women to keep their babies.
2023-07-30 10:54:56


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